Monday, April 25, 2022

What to do during your birthday week...

1. Write and post a heartfelt letter to someone who has inspired you.

2. Make a donation to a charity or volunteer for a charity event.

3. Create a brand new bucket list - listing things you would like to do in the next ten years.

4. Join a Zumba or dance class. Have fun, meet new friends and stay fit.

5. Try out a new hobby, something that has always been on your mind.

6. Go on a trip, take a break from the chaos in your life.

7. Take up cooking or baking which are known to be very therapeutic. 

8. Treat yourself to your favourite childhood meal or snack.

9. Pamper yourself by going for a massage, to the spa, nail salon or the hair salon. 

10. Read a good book, either motivational or just fiction. 

11. Spend time with a family member or good friend who makes you laugh. 

12. Get cozy on your sofa and watch a movie with a bucket of popcorn.

13. Go shopping for clothes or gadgets, perhaps both.

14. Take a walk in a park, enjoy the fresh air and greenery.

15. Make a trip to the nearest beach to watch the sunset.

16. Help a family member, friend or neighbour who is in need.

17. Go on an early morning hike to watch the sunrise.

18. Make a call to a long time friend for a pretty long chat.

19. Fill up your refrigerator with all of your favourites to have for the whole week.

20. Make a wish, blow your candles and cut a cake on your birthday. 


Monday, April 18, 2022

RANDOM QUESTIONS you can ask at a gathering with friends to get to know them better. Their answers may surprise you!

1. What do you remember about your childhood?

2. Which was your favourite childhood snack/food?

3. What was your childhood dream?

4. What is your biggest fear?

5. Who was your inspiration while growing up?

6. Who do you miss the most today?

7. Do you have a best friend of more than ten years?

8. Which countries have you visited and where would you like to go next?

9. What is your hobby or a hobby you would like to try?

10. How would you describe your style?

11. What do you regret the most till today?

12. When was a time you felt the saddest?

13. What would your dream house look like?

14. What is your best advice on money?

15. If you had three wishes, what would they be?

16. Where do you see yourself in another twenty years?

17. What is your ideal job?

18. What would you be doing if social media never existed?

19. Who is a singer or actor you admire?

20, After the pandemic, what is a wish you carry in your heart? 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

What can reading do for you?

  • You learn to communicate better when you read books. Besides grasping new words, you are also exposed to phrases you can use to express yourself clearly. 

  • Reading books help you improve in your writing skills. You develop better grammar when your eyes are focused on sentence constructions and word choices.

  • Reading stirs your emotions. This will help you understand human character, making you interact with others smoothly.

  • A book is easy to carry with you wherever you go. Reading one will fill up the gaps during the day, making you feel that your day was productive. 

  • Reading can become a hobby. As there are many genres to explore, completing a book of your favourite genre can feel rewarding. 

  • For those who struggle with mental health issues, reading is a good form of distraction as well as healing. You can either engage in a leisurely read or learn more about yourself through self-help books. 

  • On a stressful day, pick up a good book that would help you relax and reduce the rising tensions. Reading transports you to another realm where there is no room for stress.

  • Reading helps with depression. When you feel lonely and isolated, the characters in your book can take you on an adventure and keep you company. 

  • Reading is known to slow down aging. When you read books, magazines or even articles, your mind is active and your memory does not fail you.

  • Your are able to travel to different parts of the world when you read books which expose you to different settings and cultures. The vivid descriptions in stories are enough to take you there. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Managing Your Mental Health

Here are some tips:

1. Take plenty of deep breaths in the midst of chaos.

2. Go for walks and enjoy the fresh air.

3. Find a quiet place to sit at and calm your thoughts.

4. Unplug or disconnect when you need a break.

5. Drink enough water to hydrate yourself.

6. Look at yourself in the mirror and speak positive words to yourself.

7. Listen to music and sing your favourite tunes.

8. Sleep when you are physically tired.

9. Eat a good meal without feeling guilty.

10. Exercise when you are feeling down.

11. Meet or call a friend for a good chat and some laughs.

12. Keep a journal, pour out your thoughts and feelings in writing.

13. Take up a hobby like baking or dancing.

14. Learn to always smile in the storm.

15. Jot down plans and ideas to help you remember.

16. Read a book, there is always a message to capture.

17. Check on your health regularly and take supplements when needed.

18. Go on short or long trips to get away from the familiar.

19. Always keep in touch with loved ones to let them know you're okay.

20. Do something good for others when you feel lousy about yourself.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

If you like quotes...

“Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you

 make it again.”

“Being open to unexpected turns in the road is an important part of success. If you

 try to plan every step, you may miss those wonderful twists and turns.”

“For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.”

“Hugs were invented to let people know you love them without having to say


“As we grow older, it's not the things we did that we often regret, but the things we

 didn't do. That's why God created tomorrows for us.”

“The past is a brief reflection, and the future is yet to be realized.”

“A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn.”

“Stay true to yourself because there are very few people who will stay true to you.”

“You meet many interesting characters each day. Make sure you learn a valuable

 lesson from each one of them.”

“When sadness engulfs, you ride the storm anyway.”

“A troubled heart can't stay troubled forever if you nurture it with some cheer.”

"Every challenge you face is an opportunity for you to rise."

"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be."

"We choose to live our fears and forget to live our dreams."

"Go as far as your mind let's you, don't limit yourself."

"Some of your greatest pains will become your greatest strengths."

"If we don't change, we don't grow."

"Be present in the moment."

"Wear your positive attitude when chasing your dreams."

"Each day begins with new choices."

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

40 Days of Reflective Journaling

Day 1:

Write about ten things you are most grateful for.

Day 2:

Write about a perfect day at home.

Day 3:

Write about a favourite photograph.

Day 4:

Write about your bad habits.

Day 5:

Write about what love means to you.

Day 6:

Write about someone you would like to reconnect with.

Day 7:

Write about what you are most afraid of.

Day 8:

Write about something you have struggled with.

Day 9:

Write about what growing older means to you.

Day 10:

Write about the things you have always loved doing.

Day 11:

Write about lessons your parents taught you while growing up.

Day 12:

Write a letter to your teenage self.

Day 13:

Write about your strengths.

Day 14:

Write about your weaknesses.

Day 15:

Write about what friendship means to you.

Day 16:

Write about what family means to you.

Day 17:

Write about the things that make you angry or sad.

Day 18:

Write about the things that bring you joy and happiness.

Day 19:

Write about the distractions in your life.

Day 20:

Write about the biggest regret you have in life.

Day 21:

Write about something good you did for others.

Day 22:

Write about your favourite childhood memory.

Day 23:

Write about what makes you feel loved.

Day 24:

Write about the person who inspires you the most.

Day 25:

Write about how you would live the rest of your life if money was not an issue.

Day 26:

Write about the changes you want to see happen in your life.

Day 27:

Write about the things that make you feel proud of yourself.

Day 28:

Write about some challenges that you have faced.

Day 29:

Write about your first job.

Day 30:

Write about a new skill you would like to learn.

Day 31:

Write about the goals you still hold on to in life.

Day 32:

Write about lessons you have learned in life.

Day 33:

Write about a place or country you want to visit.

Day 34:

Write about everything you love in your home.

Day 35:

Write about five simple ways you can love yourself every day.

Day 36:

Write about your wedding or graduation day.

Day 37:

Write about a recent memory you cherish.

Day 38:

Write about the things you want to change for a better future.

Day 39:

Write a letter to your current self.

Day 40:

Write about how you would like to be remembered when you are gone.